What makes ChoiceSpokane.com the #1 place for home searches in the region?
We have the largest local database of available homes for sale in Spokane, including access to For Sale By Owner properties through SpokaneByOwner.com
Unlike the National Sites when a home is not available, we won't show it to you. No more frustration shopping for something this is already sold!
Local Owned and Operated. Shopping Local is something most of us can get behind. Choice Realty is independently owned and operated and not part of a National Franchise.
A percentage of each professional fee goes to local charities like the Union Gospel Mission, Inland Northwest Baby, Disabled Veterans of America and many more.
We are the hardest working real estate brokers in the Spokane market. We are the first company based on the Accredited Consultant in Real Estate concept and we will advise you in such a way as to not only find your perfect home but to maximize your real estate investment.